Saturday, 21 January 2012

Cheater, Cheater, Cupcake Eater

Ok, so I cheated a bit this week. Even more so than last week's just heading downtown which was pretty uninspired (but eventful nonetheless). The Crew (2 actually returned and I was able to sucker a newbie into joining) and I went to Kensington.

Which I have been to before.

But in my defence, I needed to kill two birds with one stone having regretfully put off homework all week and having limited weekend free time. I had to take my weekly trip and I also needed to start looking into places to live for next year and Kensington is conveniently located in the sphere of Calgary I know. Kensington is thus a viable living option but a less viable option for the "How to Get Lost in Calgary" blog.

Regardless, Kensington is a wonderful place with unique stores: an import store, used clothing store, art store, cupcake store, and yes, a drug paraphernalia store (whether or not that is unique is debatable).
(Some bongs now 50% off in case you're interested...)

Note: my hand only looks so demented
because my fingers were curled up to avoid frostbite.
I'm not exactly sure if living in Kensington is a good idea for me. If I could afford it I probably would not be able to live there for very long since I would spend entirely too much money. Not on drug paraphernalia, I promise. But on the items in the other stores I mentioned: clothes and art classes and cupcakes with cream cheese icing. Also I probably couldn't afford to live there for my health in the case of cream cheese icing.

We passed many cute homes. The old, wooden kind with character and colour. The Newbie decided that to live in Kensington was on her life's to-do list. And I decided that I might be able to afford some of the places. Exhibit A to the right. (Squatting in an burnt building doesn't cost anything, right?)

But, honestly, there were some places that were still up and running that might have been in my price range. Bland and colourless and looking like apartments generally do. However, a home's a home, and I'm sure I could grow to love it all the same, it just might take longer than some of the other places. (If anyone is willing to donate some money so I can live in one of the houses in the next three pictures feel free, you would have my immense gratitude.)

If you desire a balcony in your future home, come on down to Kensington.  Kensington really should be paying me for all this advertisement I'm giving them. Maybe they could pay for me to live there and I could change this blog to "How to Find Your Dream Home in Kensington" or something more clever. Give me some time, Kensington, I'll come up with something good.

Kensington is a bit of a hippie's hub. Which is why I enjoy it so much. The Newbie also appreciated this. The home seen below was clearly a part of the Occupy Calgary movement, offered free hugs, and, of course, smelled slightly of marijuana as we walked by. Plus it was entirely purple.

Kensington: Perpetuating Stereotypes.


For you hypocrites (of which I am one), Kensington is a wonderful place to live and work:

Don't worry he got it the second time around.

After all this we were sufficiently cold and realized that of course we were terribly ill-prepared to actually go home hunting (which we pretty well knew before we left) and so we headed back to the C-Train. And guess what there is in abundance on the other side of the tracks in Sunnyside? Apartment buildings that look affordable literally 100 steps from the C-Train station.

Guess we did take a wrong turn after all.

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