Sunday, 29 January 2012

Exploring "Calgary"

When you google things to do in Calgary, some are actually in Calgary, and then there are the recommendations where "Calgary" is actually surrounding area.

Explore Calgary. But drive at least an hour to the mountains.

But while this is a misnomer, I wanted to blog about it anyways because I'm betting that generally when people visit Calgary they take in the mountains. How could you not want to see something that's so beautiful it looks fake? Unless it's people who are so beautiful they look fake. Then that's just weird.

For example, the photo to the left isn't even good. It's taken on a phone out of a car window. And the mountains still look good.

Good work, God.

or for you sciencey types:

Good work, tectonic plates.

sitting on the fencers:

Good work, God via the tectonic plates.

I had the pleasure this weekend of going skiing for the fourth time in my life because I have a fantastically nice aunt living in Calgary. In the mountains, at the Nakiska ski hill. Actually, mountain is a better term, not hill, all the other places I've skied are hills. This was for real, people. (By my standards as I think Nakiska is considered small) Little terrifying at first, but it all worked out. I can skate so it wasn't too difficult to pick up on skiing again after 4 years. Spent a lot of time being shown up by small children, but that'll happen.

Notice the children behind me going on the same run as me. 
And despite some terribly strong winds that have given me a nice racoon wind burn of the outline of where my goggles were, it was an enjoyable time.

So while I'm working on getting that healed, if you are in the Calgary area. Explore "Calgary". Witness the mountains that are a sight to see every time because God and/or tectonic plates created them.

Witness the mountains.

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